About Karmas

Karma is regarded as a fundamental law of nature that is automatic and mechanical. It is not something that is imposed by God or a god as a system of punishment or reward, nor something that the gods can interfere with.

The word karma refers primarily to "bad karma" - that which is accumulated as a result of wrong actions. Bad karma binds a person's soul (atman) to the cycle of rebirth (samsara) and leads to misfortune in this life and poor conditions in the next. The moral energy of a particular moral act bears fruit automatically in the next life, manifested in one's class, disposition, and character.

Hindu texts also prescribe a number of activities, such as pilgrimages to holy places and acts of devotion, that can wipe out the effects of bad karma. Such positive actions are sometimes referred to as "good karma." Some versions of the theory of karma also say that morally good acts have positive consequences (as opposed to simply neutral).

Here are the list of most common karmas to be performed by hindus.
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Click here for Sandhiyavandhanam text file
01. Sandhiyavandhanam (Morning)
Madhyanikam (Noon)
Sandhiyavandhanam (Evening)
04. Avani Avittam 
Sandhiyavandhanam (Morning)
Kamokarisheed Jabam
Madhyanikam (Noon)
Brummayagyam (Yajur Veda)
Brummayagyam (Rig Veda)
Maha Sangalppam (Yajur Veda)
Maha Sangalppam (Rig Veda)
Yagyobaveetha Dharanam
Kandarishi Tharppanam
Maha Asiwatham
Gayathri Jabam (Next Day)

Ammavasai Tharppanam
Bhodhayana Ammavasai Tharppanam
Bhodhayana Brumma Yagyam
Mahalaya Paksha Tharpanam (Sangalppam 2012)
Rig Vedha Mahalaya Paksha Tharpanam
Hiranya Srardham
Theendal Tharppanam
Surya Grahana Tharppanam
Rathasapthami Snana Argyam

In Vedanta and Yoga teachings, there are three types of karma:

1.Prarabdha karma - karma experienced during the present lifetime
2.Sancita karma - the store of karma that has not yet reached fruition
3.Agamin or sanciyama karma - karma sown in the present life that will come to fruition in a future life
The process by which karma is understood to work through various rebirths is as follows:

1.Good or bad actions create impressions (samskaras) or tendencies (vasanas) in the mind, which in time will come to fruition in further action (more karma).
2.The seeds of karma are carried in the subtle body (linga), in which the soul transmigrates.
3.The physical body (sthula sarira) is the field in which the fruit of karma is experienced and more karma is created.
The purpose of life in Hinduism is thus to minimize bad karma in order to enjoy better fortune in this life and achieve a better rebirth in the next. The ultimate spiritual goal is to achieve release (moksha) from the cycle of samsara altogether. It may take hundreds or thousands of rebirths to get rid of all of one's accumulated karma and achieve moksha. The person who has become liberated (attained moksha) creates no more new karma during the present lifetime and is not reborn after death.